Hedgerow Studio

Website for Custom Patio Umbrellas


Project Management, Ui Design, Ux Design, HTML & CSS


Hedgerow Studio allows a customer to custom build an umbrella. They can choose fabric color or combine 2 fabrics, a design pattern, and choose the pattern's colors. Once done, they add acessories and either save or request a quote. The backend was designed to allow the owner to easily get orders and track his customers.

The prior site was 8 years old, and only did a fair job of letting users see the end product. The new site allow for more interactivity and far better view of the users custom umbrellas and a quoting feature that saves their selections.


The process was to make key wireframes and a user flow that allowed me to rapidly prototype 5 iterations of screens. Each round of tests and review with the client allowed the final page to be very simplified and clean while allowing the user to explore countless combinations of options.

I was hands on with Visual Design, HTML/CSS, UX, Project Managment and Database Design. I used a transparent pngs to layer on the various selections saving a HUGE about of image production while constructing a lean database that does not require tagging every asset thus saving the administrator a lot of time in updates.

Site Launched May 25, 2015.

UX Process & Artifacts