Capital Group

Intranet site for North American Distribution Sales Force


Project Management, Ui Design, Content Inventory, Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Analytics


Capital Group handles $1.7 trillion in investment assets internationally. The North American Distribution Group (NAD) maintains an intranet to make the PDF & PPT resources available to it's associates and sales force. The server on which it was hosted was being retired at the end of 2017 so we had a hard deadline. This legacy site was not repsonsive and cumbersome to maintain. The task involved migrating this HTML/CSS table based site to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) platform, integrating the separate javascript-based eCatalog into it at the same time.


I was the UI designer for this project. Following direction from the Information Architect and UX designer to make the site consistent with Capital Group’s suite of websites, the content of the legacy site was reorganized and streamlined. I then gathered assets and curated the content with key stakeholders.

During the migration proper, I tracked progress and coordinated the contractor team. We were able to get the first phase of this project done by the deadline. During this phase I learned to author and publish in AEM and integrated the eCatalog into the site.

For phase 2, I initiated a search feature installation, and built detailed usage reports and dashboards in Adobe Analytics. I had built new pages, updated the menus, redesigned the Home page and refined the layout of the site. I documented existing workflows, built new process flows and style guides for maintaining the site after my position was retired.

Site Screenshot